Thursday, April 7, 2011

AIS 360 PBL session 3 meeting 3

 overall meeting 3......

bile  dgr budk dlm kels present bru la faham x faham suma grop la..ade certen2 grop je yg hamba faham..cuma time liya terang tu faham sngt..pasal convert of system..tq liya

yg besnye pasal pbl ni sbb asinment die x yah nak print..anta pakai email je..senang sikt..x yah kuar duit..klu certain lect tu asal asinmen je suh print..
asik nak print je....lme2 toke balak pn muflis

yg x besnye pbl ni bile present x bgs...abis down ters semang nak blaja..sedh je rasa ati ni sbb kne comen yg negatif..en ckp present ari ni lg worst dr yg previous..aduhai guane ni???\

ape2 pn en time kasih la sbb sudi ajar kitorg selama  2 sem wakil bdk2 akaun part 6 ucapkan en selamt bejaya bile smbg blja nt..jgn la lupa kat kitorang lak nt bile dah dapt gelaran DATO' nt tau..klu jmpa kat luar nt , tegr2 la kitorang ye...

en mggu depn ade bola..real vs totenhem..exam lak ari kamis..nmpk gayanye miss la sy match ni ..sbb ari tu kitorg pn ade test qmt gak..memg comfem la x tgk match pntg ni...baru nak tgk bale mengamuk kat White Hart Lane...hehehe

salam dari hisham

AIS 360 PBL session 3 meeting 2

1. What I Know about this case/problem?
faham memang la klu nak explain blik x tau nak explain cmne sbb rasa nye ilmu yg hamba dapt ni x setanding la dgn tuan punya ilmu ni( en azmi ) ...sbb tu time wat soaln pbl klu x refer buku en. mst sush nak wat

2. What I do not know about this case/problem?
yg x tau nye pasal soalan no 2..markah bkn main bnyk g..nak tulis pe kat jwapn tu..nasb bek la emi yg wat soaln tu...klu hamba yg jawb soaln 2, mati katak la hamba ni gamaknya

3.What I like about this PBL session?
yg besnye sbb dpt tolng2 membe2..mcm soaln 2 tu..hamba dah la x tau,seb bek la emi tolg ..soaln yg die x reti lak hmba lak yg tolg die...barulah terasa kerdil kite manusia ni sbb x leh wat keje sorg2...kne sntiasa begantung kat org len gak

4.What I do not like about this PBL session?
yg x sukanye sbb bile asik wat pbl je, soaln pas yr en. x bnyk focus..padahal tggal semggu je sblm stdy week..blh ke jwb exam nt..takut nye...harp2 en tolg la bg markah tggi kat kitorang yg x pndai ni

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

AIS 360 PBL session 2 meeting 2

How to make my presentation more presentable and eye catching

Be Entertaining – Speeches should be entertaining and informative. It does not means you should act like a dancing monkey when giving a serious presentation. But unlike an e-mail or article, people expect some appeal to there emotions. Simply reciting dry facts without any passion or humor will make people less likely to pay attention.

Slow Down – Nervous and inexperienced speakers tend to talk way to fast. Consciously slow your speech down and add pauses for emphasis.

Eye Contact – Match eye contact with everyone in the room.

15 Word Summary – Can you summarize your idea in fifteen words? If not, rewrite it and try again. Speaking is an inefficient medium for communicating information, so know what the important fifteen words are so they can be repeated.

Don’t Read – This one is a no brainer, but somehow Powerpoint makes people think they can get away with it. If you don’t know your speech without cues, that doesn’t just make you more distracting. It shows you don’t really understand your message, a huge blow to any confidence the audience has in you.

“That’s a Good Question” – You can use statements like, “that’s a really good question,” or “I’m glad you asked me that,” to buy yourself a few moments to organize your response. Will the other people in the audience know you are using these filler sentences to reorder your thoughts? Probably not. And even if they do, it still makes the presentation more smooth than um’s and ah’s littering your answer.

Do Apologize if You’re Wrong – One caveat to the above rule is that you should apologize if you are late or shown to be incorrect. You want to seem confident, but don’t be a jerk about it.

Put Yourself in the Audience - When writing a speech, see it from the audiences perspective. What might they not understand? What might seem boring? Use WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) to guide you.

Have Fun - Sounds impossible? With a little practice you can inject your passion for a subject into your presentations.

Monday, February 21, 2011

AIS 360 PBL session 2 meeting 1

ari ni en suh cabut undi untuk present soalan pbl session group ak x kne ak dah semangt dah
nak present tp x kne lak..
group lily yg kne present x dengar sngt sebb dorg ckp slow sngt...hope next time dorg le ckp kuat sikt spya satu kels le dgr ape yg dorg present

TEACHING JOURNAL: Suaikenal 2011

TEACHING JOURNAL: Suaikenal 2011: "Salam, Thanks for coming for 22/49 of my students. I appreciate the sportsmanship (he he) and fighting spirit shown by all of you. Winning ..."

TEACHING JOURNAL: Suaikenal 2011

TEACHING JOURNAL: Suaikenal 2011: "kkk

Thursday, February 10, 2011

AIS 360 PBL session meeting 4

ari ni kne present PBL. rasa nurvese je sblm present ble dah abis present bru la rsa lega je hati ni..
klu x rasa cam nak tecabut je kpala lutut ni..

tah pape tah aku present td...asik bce je..bek x yah present....mst markah en. bg sikit je...abis la..sush la nak score ais sem ni..pasni aku nak present tul2 la..aku nak make sure yg pasni present aku gempak dr yg previous...bru le dpt markah tinggi..

dah la tgh2 sedih markah present sikit, pastu tba2 lak dpt bad news lak dr en...die ckp die nak smbg study kat oversea lak.....mgkin kitorg ni studen las die..pastu die ckp die mst ingt kitorg satu kels smpi bile2 sbb kitorg student las die....aduhai!!! rasa sdih +  teharu la plk.

nt klu en dah x de mst boring je uitm nt..x de la org nak ajr memanah g kat studen..pasni abs la uitm jengka kalah je la sentiasa sbb org kuat sukan ni dah x de...

to en azmi...
.klu jd pndah nt jgn lupa kat kitorang ye..kitorang suma satu kels doakan semoga en selamat spnjang berada kat oversea nt...pasal markah present kitorang klu blh jgn la bg rendah ye en..klu blh bg la tinggi...bru la semangt kitorang nak blja..klu mrkh sikt nt lemah je kitorang nak datg kels nt...

to grop member...
time kasl la sbb bejaya juga siap kan slide tuk present... pape pun korg memg bes la emi farid apis..utg aku team ngan korg...good job...